Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Analysis of Q magazine

Analysis of Q magazine
The Q magazine masthead has a red square shaped banner with the white Q so that the audience will recognise the magazine easily if there was a copy with an image over lapping the title like this example. Underneath the masthead is the sell line which tells the audience that this magazine is Britain’s biggest music magazine and that it is worth buying. There is a banner at the bottom of the page for an article to show a special offer targeted at women in the music industry.  The main article typography is in red and in capital letters for it to stand out more and draw in the attention from the target audience but also targets other readers who have not bought Q magazine before and this could interest them if they want to experience Q magazine. The Union Jack stands out and the body copy inside interacts with the audience because it is showing their opinions but they have to buy it to actually read the full article. The image is a close up of Madonna on the right hand side of the page which helps anchorage the red headline, linking the image with the text. There is minimal white space which shows that the magazine is interesting and has lots of information for the reader. The white typography stands out well against the black background but identifies the red as a more dominant colour with importance of articles.

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