Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Analysis of Kerrang magazine

Analysis of Kerrang
The black banner with the white masthead stands out and looks effective for the genre of the magazine which is rock. There is not a main background image for this issue but lots of little images placed together and I think it looks quite busy and loud however that also relates to the genre and target audience with rock music being loud. The general background colour is black which makes lots of the little images stand out and look informative. There is a medium close up of two people and one of them is very brightly dressed which immediately draws in the attention from the target audience and I think gives the magazine depth and looks quite realistic as if you were stood with them. Buzz words are used such as exclusive interviews to help sell the magazine. The main headline is in yellow and definitely stands out against the black background. I think the yellow is also used to engage the audience because it is used with the word ‘you’ and outlines important information. The over lapping of images in the left bottom corner are clustered together and it helps linking them to the article advertised with it, however I think it looks too busy with the additional images in the background. I think the unique selling point is the amount of information the magazine offers to the target audience and how well the images interact with the typography.

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