What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing this product?
POWERPOINT – I used PowerPoint for my pitch my initial ideas, I am very familiar with powerpoint so it was a quick process for me to put my ideas together
SLIDESHARE- After making the powerpoint I had to upload it onto slideshare so that I could post it on my blog, I had never used this before but once I had a little bit of help it was easier to figure out and put onto my blog.
FIJITSU DIGITAL CAMERA- I used my own camera as I know how it works and how to create the best pictures for my magazine
INDESIGN- this is the program I used to produce my magazine, I was quite familiar to using it however I did need to practise and figure out what each tool does
PHOTOSHOP- This is the program I used to edit my pictures for example I changed the colour and made the models skin a little clearer
MEMORY STICK- this is what I used to transfer my work from home to school and vice versa
MEMORY CARD READER- So I could transfer pictures from my memory card in the camera straight onto my school account for a quicker process.
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