Monday, 2 May 2011

Question 7

 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
From the preliminary task I have learnt that I do need to use more varieties of font to make the product look more appealing and attractive for the consumer to look at, however I do not want the product to look to too overpowering because it can put people off. I have also learnt more about taking photos, in my preliminary task I did not think about what was in the background despite it being  relevant it did look far too busy to consume so with my music magazine I chose to take the photos with a very simple background so that I can adapt things easily and not waste time sorting it out.

Question 6

 What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing this product?
POWERPOINT – I used PowerPoint for my pitch my initial ideas, I am very familiar with powerpoint so it was a quick process for me to put my ideas together
 SLIDESHARE- After making the powerpoint I had to upload it onto slideshare so that I could post it on my blog, I had never used this before but once I had a little bit of help it was easier to figure out and put onto my blog.
FIJITSU DIGITAL CAMERA- I used my own camera as I know how it works and how to create the best pictures for my magazine
INDESIGN- this is the program I used to produce my magazine, I was quite familiar to using it however I did need to practise and figure out what each tool does
PHOTOSHOP- This is the program I used to edit my pictures for example I changed the colour and made the models skin a little clearer
MEMORY STICK- this is what I used to transfer my work from home to school and vice versa
MEMORY CARD READER- So I could transfer pictures from my memory card in the camera straight onto my school account for a quicker process.

Question 5

Here is a link to my magazine with annotations to why it attracts and addresses my target audience

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?
The audience for my magazine is 17-24 year olds male and females. I believe this is a good area to target because many young people relate music to real life situations and can just relax reading about their favourite artists. The magazine may contain banter that only this category may understand so it makes it more personal to the consumer to understand.

Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Distribution – The music magazines are sold in many retail shops from newsagents to music shops. Lots of magazine companies have a website that the specific target audience can subscribe to that will allow viewing of the magazine and interactions with the audience. I would like my magazine to be distributed at reparable stores such as HMV which is a music store, WHSmiths a variety of product store and possibly newsagents.  A website would be made for the audience to subscribe to and the main process of the exclusive ticket offers for valuable customers/consumers. 

Question 2

In what ways does your media product represent particular social groups?
I think that my magazine represents a social group and relates to my target audience because of the models used within the age range of the audience and the trend of the costumes which is simple so influences are limited. There are also a variety of camera shots to make the magazine more interesting  to look at and follow.